It’s our pleasure to share a wonderful upcoming event “Cancer Support for Patients and Caregivers”, presented by Inner Design NOLA, Wednesday, July 27th 6-9p.
“My cancer journey began last Spring when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I did not get out of what was going on, but I had a way to get through it with a lot of grace. The powerful energetic tools from Geotran allowed me to stay in choice with my doctors and my family. I credit these processes for the ease and grace that I experienced in a very difficult journey.
• Are you dealing with the shock and panic that comes with a diagnosis?
• Overwhelmed by the statistics or health plan?
• Trying to balance your own health care with family and work?
• Worried about the future?
• Taking on the additional care of a loved one going through this process?
• Overwhelmed by the statistics or health plan?
• Trying to balance your own health care with family and work?
• Worried about the future?
• Taking on the additional care of a loved one going through this process?
In this workshop, you will learn the energetic tools of Geotran to clear overwhelm and anxiety, make a way for success, and help you reset your attitude and your outlook.”